2025 Newsletters |
January 2025
Annual Meeting Wednesday January 22nd 7 PM at The Clubhouse
Hello and Happy New Year to all Williamstown Fish & Game Club members!
We hope that your 2024 ended on a high note and that your fall hunting seasons were safe and successful! As we turn the page on 2024 and start 2025 we can not help but reflect that with the end of this coming year we will be a "quarter" of the way through the 21st century! As for the Williamstown Fish & Game Club 2025 will shape up to be one of the biggest ever in our history as the finish line of the rebuild from our catastrophic fire is in site. As we finished up 2024 we were able to complete a couple more major projects. To date all of the electrical is completed and operational. Telephone and Wi fi have been installed and are operational. Surveillance cameras have been installed and are operational. Heating system has been installed and is operational. The creation of a parking area behind the shooting bench which upon completion we hope will be large enough to accommodate 4 vehicles. And we are happy to announce that before snow flew this year we were able to drill our artesian well! The final two major projects that are scheduled to be completed in the spring are to install our septic system and bring water into the building. Upon completion of those two steps we will for the first time have a fulling and completely functional Clubhouse!
All of this work described above and so much that occurred before would not have been possible without the help of volunteers. Unfortunately like so many other clubs the pool of volunteers at the Williamstown Fish & Game Club seems to be getting smaller and smaller. Many of you may not be aware but we have not had any new officer or director candidates in over three years! Some months we struggle to get more than 5 members at our meetings. Its hard to believe that out of almost 200 members that can't find a 6-10 members to step up and fill these positions. We hear it time and time again, "I don't have time", "I'm to busy". Our way of life is under attack, hunting, fishing, trapping, gun ownership. If we don't step up now what will the traditions we hold so dear will look like only a generation into the future say nothing about two or three from now. We challenge each and everyone of you to attend at least 1 meeting this year and bring a friend or family member. And for those that are real courageous consider becoming an officer or director. Come to a meeting and speak to an existing officer and director and we can explain what the positions entail. We promise each and every one of you that may be considering stepping up to this level you won't be left to twist in the wind and figure it out on your own. None of the existing active members are going anywhere, we are just getting a little worn out and are looking for a little help.
We would like to touch base on an ongoing problem which is "mis-use" of the range facilities. This is one of the biggest problems facing pretty much every range that is open to the general public with the purchase of a range pass. Our range like most others does not have full time range officers monitoring access and use. And it is this "mis-use" that is usually the major contributing factor as to why a shooting range gets shut down. The "Boonie Club" was originally formed as a "hunters" club with the hopes of providing a safe and comfortable place to site in our hunting firearms. Obviously more and more people or shooting for recreation and we certainly don't want to dissuade anyone from joining our Club that wants to use the facilities for that reason. However many of these recreation shooters are first time gun owners with little or no formal training as to how to handle or shoot a firearm. All you have to do is go to the Club range and look at the bullet holes in the tin that covers the facade of the rifle berm. The number of bullet holes is astounding and totally irresponsible. The installation of the surveillance cameras has helped but is not the final solution. The range rules are clearly posted on the large sign board behind the shooting bench and it is the responsibility of every range pass member to know those rules. As existing members renew their memberships this year and new members join we will be including a copy of the range regulations with their purchase. Any range member that is found to be breaking "any" of these rules their range pass privileges will be immediately revoked! Any individual caught trespassing on the grounds without a range pass and breaking the range rules will be prosecuted. We need to police ourselves. If you are a valid range pass member and see someone breaking any of the range rules I urge you to "educate" if it is obvious that the individual is a novice to shooting. If it is obvious that the perpetrator is an idiot that is just breaking the rules to be an idiot please record as much information as possible and report it to a Club officer or director.
Some of the most common infractions are the following:
- When you enter the gate lock it after yourself so that you know that the next person that comes in after you has a valid range pass.
- shooting on Monday (range is closed)
- shooting before range hours / shooting after sunset
- semi-automatic burst of more than 5 shots at a time
- using only paper targets / targets only placed on snow fence
- pick up your empty casings everywhere but particularly when shooting from the lawn
- bring your garbage home / no cans, bottles or food packaging in garbage cans
2025 memberships are now available. For those that have had a membership in the past two years you will be receiving a renewal form in the mail within the next week. Memberships are also available to purchase from our website, Big D's Guns, Ammo Warehouse and from select officers and directors.
Spring Gun Raffle tickets are now available. This years raffle winner will have their choice of either a Woodman Arms Patriot G3 muzzleloader or Winchester XPR .350 Legend w/camo stock. Tickets will be $10.00 each and the winner will be drawn April 19th at our Big Game Raffle. The unselected firearm will be awarded to the ticket holder of the 99th ball drawn. Tickets will be available at Big D's, and from Club officers and directors.
We will again be holding our Duck Race this August. Ducks again will be $5.00 each or 5 ducks for $20. The winning duck will receive $1000, with cash prizes for second and third as well.
The dates for our Joey Gingras Memorial Fishing Derby will be set at the annual meeting. As will the dates for our firearm and archery hunter safety courses.
2025 meeting schedule is as follows with all meetings be held at the Clubhouse:
January 22nd
February 12th
March 12th
April 9th
May 14th
June 11th
July 9th
August 13th
September 10th
We look forward to seeing you all at the meeting next Wednesday. Light refreshments will be provided, BYOB on beverages.
Officers and Directors,
Williamstown Fish & Game Club
Annual Meeting Wednesday January 22nd 7 PM at The Clubhouse
Hello and Happy New Year to all Williamstown Fish & Game Club members!
We hope that your 2024 ended on a high note and that your fall hunting seasons were safe and successful! As we turn the page on 2024 and start 2025 we can not help but reflect that with the end of this coming year we will be a "quarter" of the way through the 21st century! As for the Williamstown Fish & Game Club 2025 will shape up to be one of the biggest ever in our history as the finish line of the rebuild from our catastrophic fire is in site. As we finished up 2024 we were able to complete a couple more major projects. To date all of the electrical is completed and operational. Telephone and Wi fi have been installed and are operational. Surveillance cameras have been installed and are operational. Heating system has been installed and is operational. The creation of a parking area behind the shooting bench which upon completion we hope will be large enough to accommodate 4 vehicles. And we are happy to announce that before snow flew this year we were able to drill our artesian well! The final two major projects that are scheduled to be completed in the spring are to install our septic system and bring water into the building. Upon completion of those two steps we will for the first time have a fulling and completely functional Clubhouse!
All of this work described above and so much that occurred before would not have been possible without the help of volunteers. Unfortunately like so many other clubs the pool of volunteers at the Williamstown Fish & Game Club seems to be getting smaller and smaller. Many of you may not be aware but we have not had any new officer or director candidates in over three years! Some months we struggle to get more than 5 members at our meetings. Its hard to believe that out of almost 200 members that can't find a 6-10 members to step up and fill these positions. We hear it time and time again, "I don't have time", "I'm to busy". Our way of life is under attack, hunting, fishing, trapping, gun ownership. If we don't step up now what will the traditions we hold so dear will look like only a generation into the future say nothing about two or three from now. We challenge each and everyone of you to attend at least 1 meeting this year and bring a friend or family member. And for those that are real courageous consider becoming an officer or director. Come to a meeting and speak to an existing officer and director and we can explain what the positions entail. We promise each and every one of you that may be considering stepping up to this level you won't be left to twist in the wind and figure it out on your own. None of the existing active members are going anywhere, we are just getting a little worn out and are looking for a little help.
We would like to touch base on an ongoing problem which is "mis-use" of the range facilities. This is one of the biggest problems facing pretty much every range that is open to the general public with the purchase of a range pass. Our range like most others does not have full time range officers monitoring access and use. And it is this "mis-use" that is usually the major contributing factor as to why a shooting range gets shut down. The "Boonie Club" was originally formed as a "hunters" club with the hopes of providing a safe and comfortable place to site in our hunting firearms. Obviously more and more people or shooting for recreation and we certainly don't want to dissuade anyone from joining our Club that wants to use the facilities for that reason. However many of these recreation shooters are first time gun owners with little or no formal training as to how to handle or shoot a firearm. All you have to do is go to the Club range and look at the bullet holes in the tin that covers the facade of the rifle berm. The number of bullet holes is astounding and totally irresponsible. The installation of the surveillance cameras has helped but is not the final solution. The range rules are clearly posted on the large sign board behind the shooting bench and it is the responsibility of every range pass member to know those rules. As existing members renew their memberships this year and new members join we will be including a copy of the range regulations with their purchase. Any range member that is found to be breaking "any" of these rules their range pass privileges will be immediately revoked! Any individual caught trespassing on the grounds without a range pass and breaking the range rules will be prosecuted. We need to police ourselves. If you are a valid range pass member and see someone breaking any of the range rules I urge you to "educate" if it is obvious that the individual is a novice to shooting. If it is obvious that the perpetrator is an idiot that is just breaking the rules to be an idiot please record as much information as possible and report it to a Club officer or director.
Some of the most common infractions are the following:
- When you enter the gate lock it after yourself so that you know that the next person that comes in after you has a valid range pass.
- shooting on Monday (range is closed)
- shooting before range hours / shooting after sunset
- semi-automatic burst of more than 5 shots at a time
- using only paper targets / targets only placed on snow fence
- pick up your empty casings everywhere but particularly when shooting from the lawn
- bring your garbage home / no cans, bottles or food packaging in garbage cans
2025 memberships are now available. For those that have had a membership in the past two years you will be receiving a renewal form in the mail within the next week. Memberships are also available to purchase from our website, Big D's Guns, Ammo Warehouse and from select officers and directors.
Spring Gun Raffle tickets are now available. This years raffle winner will have their choice of either a Woodman Arms Patriot G3 muzzleloader or Winchester XPR .350 Legend w/camo stock. Tickets will be $10.00 each and the winner will be drawn April 19th at our Big Game Raffle. The unselected firearm will be awarded to the ticket holder of the 99th ball drawn. Tickets will be available at Big D's, and from Club officers and directors.
We will again be holding our Duck Race this August. Ducks again will be $5.00 each or 5 ducks for $20. The winning duck will receive $1000, with cash prizes for second and third as well.
The dates for our Joey Gingras Memorial Fishing Derby will be set at the annual meeting. As will the dates for our firearm and archery hunter safety courses.
2025 meeting schedule is as follows with all meetings be held at the Clubhouse:
January 22nd
February 12th
March 12th
April 9th
May 14th
June 11th
July 9th
August 13th
September 10th
We look forward to seeing you all at the meeting next Wednesday. Light refreshments will be provided, BYOB on beverages.
Officers and Directors,
Williamstown Fish & Game Club
Copyright Williamstown Fish & Game Club 2025